Tuesday, May 24, 2011

A New Coat of Paint Would Do the Trick

I know paint.  I painted the room I "grew up" in enough times to actually decrease the overall square footage by 12 feet.  For 3 months one summer, I worked full time on a construction crew painting trim.  I have put a new coat of paint on every inch of wall in every single place I have ever rented, which is everywhere I've lived.  And I have been sitting on some painting projects here at home that have been left undone long enough to actually qualify as  "banes."  Oh, did I also mention that I have a Bachelors in Fine Arts with an emphasis in, yes, you guessed it:  painting?

So, I'm posting these pictures because by publicly acknowledging my own need to finish these projects, perhaps they will, in fact, be completed.  Write it down.  Make it happen.  That kind of thing.

And here's the real point.  There are things sitting around in our lives that weigh us down.  They could be small things:  a junk drawer full of twisty ties and milk jug caps, a loose battery terminal that you have to tap with a wrench in order to get the car to start every time you go to drive it (not that this has ever happened to me), over 120 empty toilet paper rolls that you swear you'll use in an art project one day.  I suppose the overall message I want to convey is this:  I am tired of thinking about doing the painting.  It's time to paint.  And that is that.

I need to finish tearing off the wallpaper and painting the bottom half of the walls in the mud room.

 After the new tub went in, the walls were left in need of a fresh coat.

 I inherited a 4 piece bedroom set from Great Aunt Dorothy.  They are rock solid, but they need some paint, too.

The well cover needs some love before the wood rots out.

So, tell me:  What needs paint in your life?

1 comment:

  1. The question is...what DOESN'T need paint? I'm a paint-a-holic myself. My husband (and others) think I'm crazy to paint a single wall of our rental house. But me...I need to feel at home. Heck...I've ripped down wallpaper in two rooms already and painted one over. I paint walls, furniture, and accessories. I'm a thrifter, so I'm always painting (and reupholstering and repurposing). Well, you have read my blog. You might have seen the project mindset I seem to possess. Post after photos...I love before and after. Okay. Now I sound like a crazy, decor obsessed person. Guilty as charged.
