Thursday, January 5, 2012


"Nora, there is enough light on in the room.  You sleep with your eyes closed anyway."

"But I'm scared."

"There's nothing here to be afraid of."

"The floor is too dark."

"Nora, you won't be able to sleep with the light on."

"But I'm scared."

"Okay, but it's going to be too bright."

I turn on a lamp, and she closes her eyes.  And I know I've reacted the wrong way--impatient, huffy, disbelieving.

She was scared.  I should have addressed this.

"Nora, I was really cranky just now.  Can you forgive me?"

She sighs, heavy.  "All right.  I'll forgive you.  But stop being so cranky."

Point taken, dear one.  I'm still learning.

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