Saturday, April 14, 2012

In a Day

Grading essays.  Stocking tornado shelter in basement.  Hooking up black and white TV in the basement and realizing I can't see any of the red "danger" zones.  Washing Nora's hair.  Eating salad with hard boiled eggs from Easter, some avocado, ranch.  Playing "Farm Cat Farm" with Nora and setting up the Littlest Pet shop toys in a "homestead" format complete with vegetable stand and juice press.  Watching the rain fall inside the house as it pushes through one of the living room window frames.  Tucking Apple in next to the tractor and sprayer.  Watering plants.  Pinching mealy worms between my fingers.  Folding laundry.  Moving pansies under a protective roof.  Praying for those in line of storm.  Wondering why my weather radio hasn't been going off.  Too tired to think of much else.  Remembering I was going to clean the fridge today.  Letting it slide.

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